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Wabash River

The Wabash River is a 765 kilometer (475 mile) long river in the eastern United States that flows southwest from northwest Ohio near St. Henry, Ohio across northern Indiana to Illinois where it forms the southern Illinois-Indiana border before draining into the Ohio River, of which it is the largest northern tributary.

In the above illustration, the Wabash River is highlighted in blue. The green area is its watershed.

The major tributaries of the Wabash are the Tippecanoe and White Riverss, both in Indiana. The major Illinois tributary is the Little Wabash River.

Table of contents
1 History
2 Trivia
3 External link:


The name "Wabash" is an English spelling of the French name for the river, "Ouabache." French traders named the river after the Miami Indian word for the river, "Wabashike," (Prounounced "Wah-bah-she-keh"), the word for "pure white." The Miami name reflected the clarity of the river in Huntington County, Indiana where the river bottom is limestone.

For 200 years, from the mid-1600s into the 1800s, the Wabash was a major trading route, linking Canada, Quebec and the Great Lakes to the Mississippi River.

In the 1800s, the Wabash and Erie Canal, one of the longest canals in the world, was built.


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