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United States Secretary of Homeland Security

The United States Secretary of Homeland Security is the head of the United States Department of Homeland Security, the body concerned with protecting the American homeland and the safety of American citizens. He is a member of the President's Cabinet. The position was created following the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack. Previously, the job of protecting the American homeland was divided among numerous other agencies, such as the FBI, CIA, and the Justice Department.

Secretaries of Homeland Security:
Name Term of Office President(s) served under
Thomas Joseph Ridge January 24, 2003 - present George W. Bush

From October 8, 2001 to January 24, 2003 Tom Ridge held the office of Assistant to the President for the Office of Homeland Security, a short-lived cabinet-level office that served as a interim capacity until Congress approved the new department. With the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, Tom Ridge had a change in title.