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Ultra Wideband

Ultra Wideband (UWB), is a radio modulation technique based on transmitting very-short-duration pulses, often of duration of only nanoseconds or less, whereby the occupied bandwidth goes to very large values. There are two major methods used to modulate waveforms: Time Modulated Pulse-position modulation and Bi-Phase Modulated Pulse-position modulation.

By long-established practice, UWB is considered to occupy a fractional bandwidth of 20% or greater, or a bandwidth of 250 MHz or more, of spectrum.

The processing gain of UWB, defined as the ratio of occupied bandwidth relative to the modulation bandwidth, is similar to spread spectrum for transmission. However, UWB is only typically able to benefit from processing gain during transmission. Reception of UWB is usually based on time-correlation of pulses, and the receiving benefits of processing gain possible with spread spectrum are not usually realized in practice.

Ultra Wideband or UWB is a developing communication technology that delivers very high speed network data exchange rates across relatively small distances with a low power source. Although the connection speed descreases quickly as a function of distance, UWB has the potential to replace the cables that currently connect devices.

UWB can potentially deliver data 1000 times faster than 802.11b. This would make LANs and WANS obsolete.

See also: Wireless | Network | Bandwidth | Fat-Pipe