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Towns of the United Kingdom

In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, a town is any settlement which has received a charter of incorporation, more commonly known as a town charter, approved by the monarch. In Scotland, the equivalent is known as a burgh, pronounced burra. There are two types of burgh: royal burghs and burghs of barony.

The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man are not part of the United Kingdom, but are included here for convenience.

Table of contents
1 Lists of towns in the UK
2 Towns of the Isle of Man
3 Towns of the Channel Islands
4 See also

Lists of towns in the UK

List of towns in England
List of burghs in Scotland
List of towns in Wales
List of towns in Northern Ireland

Towns of the Isle of Man

Castletown, Douglas, Peel, Ramsey

Towns of the Channel Islands

St Helier, St Peter Port

See also

List of towns in the Republic of Ireland
List of cities in the United Kingdom