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Todd Haynes

Maverick, onetime New Queer Cinema director Todd Haynes (born January 2, 1961, Encino, California) has had a controversial, if short, career. His 1987 stop-action animation film, Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story, caused Richard Carpenter to sue him and was removed from distribution. His 1991 debut, Poison, based on the writings of Jean Genet, and partly funded by the NEA, was targeted by the American Family Association's Reverend Donald Wildmon as inappropriately federally funded "filth". His sophomore effort, 1995's Safe, confirmed him as a maverick director capable of dealing with more issues than his new queer cinema tag might indicate. He also directed the glam inspired Velvet Goldmine (1998), and the Douglas Sirk inspired Far From Heaven (2002).

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