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Tidal River, Wilsons Promontory

Tidal River and Norman Bay
Tidal River is the only permanent camping ground within Wilsons Promontory National Park. All other camping is restricted to overnight stays at bush camps while undertaking the many through-walks available in the park. The camping ground takes it name from Tidal River which flows past to the north, and which provides the facility with all its fresh water.

Tidal River camping ground nestles in sand dunes behind Norman Bay, on the western side of the peninsula. The only road open to visitors leads from Yanakie at the park entrance to Tidal River, a distance of 32km. When fully occupied, Tidal River is a township of over 2000 people with a general store, a gas station and even a makeshift cinema.

Tidal River is the starting point of numerous short and not so short walks. Probably the most famous is the overnight hike to South Point and the Wilsons Promontory Lightstation. South Point (the most southerly point of the Australian mainland) is mostly unremarkable of itself, and is easily overshadowed by South East Point, the site of the light station. The hike to the light station, with detour to South Point, is over 25km. The return walk, via a different path (and no detour) is a little over 20km.