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The Phantom Edit

The Phantom Edit is a re-edited version of the Star Wars film The Phantom Menace, removing elements of the original widely thought to be unsuccessful by critics and adult fans. The purpose of this edit, according to the editor, was to make a much stronger film than what was released by George Lucas. The changes included:

It was originally circulated on the internet and acclaimed as providing a more focused and better paced version of the film. It is now available on VHS and DVD as well. The DVD contains two deleted scenes and a commentary track by the editor as well as a few easter eggs.

Rumour attributed it to Kevin Smith, probably because his films frequently refer to the Star Wars mythos and he edits his own films. Smith admitted to having seen it but denied that he was the editor. The editor was revealed to be Mike J. Nichols of Santa Clarita, California in the September 7th, 2001 Washington Post. Nichols is also known for his work on indie hit, My Father's House.

This version coined the phrase "Phantom Edit." It was the first to receive any publicity, although there is debate as to whether it was the first version created.

Despite rumours, no lawsuits were filed against Nichols, nor did he sell or make any money from the edit. The editor claims, "I am not a bootlegger!"