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The New Zoo Revue

The New Zoo Revue was a syndicated, half-hour show that ran from 1972-1977.

The 195-episode musical comedy format show conveyed the concepts of cooperation and guidance for living in today's society.

Hosted by humans Doug (Doug Momary) and Emmy Jo (Emily Peden), this show is probably best known for its costumed puppet characters, Freddie the Frog (played by Yanco Inone), Henrietta Hippo (Larri Thomas) and Charlie the Owl (Sharon Baird).

The show was a recipient of the Federal Communications Commission's Instructional rating and four stars from the Educational Association and National School Board Association.

Each issue dealt with a topic like drugs, moving away, courtesy, bragging or patience.

Other characters on this show included Frieda the Frog, Mr. Dingle, a postman, store-keeper and Jack-of-All-Trades, and Mrs. Goodbody, a nosy neighbour who serves as an advice columnist for "The All New Zoo Gazette." It is of note to mention that The Love Connection's Chuck Woolery played Mr. Dingle, and Emmy Jo and Doug had been married in real life since before the show started to air, and currently run a Las Vegas based entertainment oriented company, Laguna Productions.

Creators: Barbara Atlas and Doug Momary

Executive Producer: Stephen W. Jahn