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The Living End

The Living End

The Living End is an album by Jandek (1989). Corwood Industries release #0756.

Table of contents
1 Track Listing:
2 Album Cover Description
3 Reviews
4 Outside Links

Track Listing:

  1. Niagra Blues
  2. Janitor's Dead
  3. Slinky Parade
  4. The Living End
  5. License to Kill
  6. Talk That Talk
  7. Start the Band
  8. Girl From America
  9. Embrace the World Outside
  10. In a Hush
  11. Take Me Away With You
  12. Crazy

Album Cover Description

A full-on, close-up, black and white shot of the man himself, hair uncombed, mouth slightly open, against a plain white background. Or almost plain white: in some places the background was clearly cut away, but in other places faint gray streaks are visible. This is the definitive photo of Jandek, the one to bring with you when you camp out at the Corwood P.O. box or wander the streets of Houston looking for him. -- Seth Tisue

Jandek wearing a pea coat? Jandek is older in this photo than any previous photo. He is sporting some sort of lesion on his lower lip... Slight circles under his eyes.


There is a special solitary beauty to everything that comes from the Corwood Post Office Box that nothing else in the entire ‘recording industry’ can approximate.

-- Glen Thrasher LowLife #16

Outside Links