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The Karma Army

The collective name for people who have joined Join Me. The popular quote is that "it's not a cult, it's a collective".

Members of the Karma Army are also known as "Joinees". Currently there are estimated to be over 4,000, though with the success of the Join Me book, and a upcoming tour in the USA by the Karma Army's leader, Danny Wallace, it is estimated that numbers will be closer to 10,000 by the end of 2004.

Perhaps the most famous Joinee (as of November 2003) is the comedy writer Richard Curtis.

The Karma from the title reflects the fact that Joinees perform Random Acts of Kindness, specifically every Friday – each Friday is considered a Good Friday.

This also gives rise to the name of the annual meet, Karmageddon (in 2003, this falls on December 6) when as many Joinees that can make the journey to London and walk along Oxford Street handing out flyers and gifts.