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The Golden Gate

The Golden Gate is the oldest of the gates in Jerusalem's Old City Walls. It was built in 500 BC. In Christian literature it is referred as the Golden Gate, in Arabic as the Gate of Eternal Life. Jews used to pray for mercy at the gate, hence the name Sha'ar Harachamim (Gate of Mercy).

The gate is located in the middle of the eastern side.

In Jewish tradition this is the gate through which Messiah will enter Jerusalem. It was sealed off in 1541 by Muslims to prevent his entrance. They also built a cemetery in front of the gate to further secure themselves that Messiah would not be able to pass through. It is the only gate that is sealed.

See also: Gates in Jerusalem's Old City Walls, City gate

External links and references

The Golden Gate is also a novel by Vikram Seth. It is written entirely in verse.

See also: Golden Gate, Golden Gate Bridge and Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, California, United States.