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Team building

In Organizational development, whenever a team embarks upon a process of self-assessment in order to gauge its own effectiveness and thereby improve performance, it engages in team building.

Table of contents
1 Assessing team effectiveness
2 Improving team performance
3 For further reading

Assessing team effectiveness

To assess itself, a team seeks feedback to find out both:

Improving team performance

To improve its current performance, a team uses the feedback from the team assessment in order to:

For further reading

Sometimes the term "team building" (or "teambuilding") refers to the process of establishing specific groups to accomplish certain tasks in an organization. Among the ingredients that are critical to the successful set-up and launch of such team efforts are:

The morale of the team is an important variable and is often affected by such factors as: As team performance reflects on management, managers should take part in constructing and fostering teams.