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Tanya Grotter

Таня Гроттер (Tanya Grotter) is the female protagonist of a Russian series of books by Dmitri Yemetz (Дмитрий Емец). Yemetz describes the books as "a cultural reply" to the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling. However, Dutch courts prevented the distribution of a Dutch translation of Tanya Grotter and the Magic Double Bass in 2003 after Rowling and her publishers sued arguing that the Grotter books violate copyright law.

The books tell about Tanya's studies in the witch school of Tibidokhs. She's an orphan, has a strange mark on her face and has strange, supernatural powers.

  1. Таня Гроттер и магический контрабас (Tanya Grotter and the Magic Double Bass)
  2. Таня Гроттер и Исчезающий Этаж (Tanya Grotter and the Disappearing Floor)
  3. Таня Гроттер и Золотая Пиявка (Tanya Grotter and the Golden Leech)
  4. Таня Гроттер и трон Древнира (Tanya Grotter and the Throne of Drevnir)
  5. Таня Гроттер и посох волхвов (Tanya Grotter and the Crook of the Magi)
  6. Таня Гроттер и молот Перуна (Tanya Grotter and the Hammer of Perun)
  7. Таня Гроттер и ??? (Tanya Grotter and the Centaur's Shoes)