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Tactical shooter

Tactical shooters are an offshoot of the first-person shooter (FPS) genre of video games that generally try to realistically simulate combat with modern, recent-historical, or very-near-future weapons. This may come in the form of police fighting terrorists or other criminals, military combat in the recent past or hypothetical near future, and so on. The emphasis is on realistic modeling of weapon effects, terrain, and character capabilities, which lead to the possibility, and necessity, of more advanced tactics being used in play than the more conventional FPS "shoot everything that moves" game style. Thus, Wolfenstein 3D is not considered a tactical shooter, although it involves military combat, because it grants the player character unlimited physical stamina and an unrealistic resistance to bullets.

Popular and influential tactical shooters include the Delta Force series, SWAT 3, Rainbow 6, the U.S. Army sponsored America's Army, and Operation Flashpoint.

Tactical shooters involving military combat are sometimes known as soldier sims.