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Struwwelpeter is a popular German children's book by Heinrich Hoffmann.

Struwwelpeter (slovenly Peter), is an illustrated collection of stories intended for children. The stories include: "Struwwelpeter", "Die Geschichte vom bösen Friederich" (The Story of Cruel Frederick), "Die gar traurige Geschichte mit dem Feuerzeug" (The Dreadful Story of Pauline and the Matches), "Die Geschichte von den schwarzen Buben" (The Story of the Inky Boys), "Die Geschichte von dem wilden Jäger" (The Story of the Wild Huntsman), "Die Geschichte vom Daumenlutscher" (The Story of Little Suck-a-Thumb), "Die Geschichte vom Suppen-Kaspar" (The Story of Augustus who not have any Soup), "Die Geschichte vom Zappel-Philipp" (The Story of Fidgety Philip), "Die Geschichte von Hans Guck-in-die-Luft" (The Story of Johnny Look-in-the-Air), "Die Geschichte vom fliegenden Robert" (The Story of Flying Robert).

Hoffmann, a Frankfurt physician, wanted to buy a picture book for his son for Christmas in 1844. Not impressed by what the stores had to offer, he instead bought a notebook and wrote his own stories and pictures. Hoffmann was persuaded by friends to anonymously publish the book as Lustige Geschichten und drollige Bilder mit 15 schön kolorirten Tafeln für Kinder von 3-6 Jahren in 1845. It wasn't until the third edition in 1858 that the book was published under the title "Struwwelpeter". The first English translation appeared in 1848.

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