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Stefan Vladislav II

Stefan Vladislav II (Стефан Владислав II) was Serb king (1321-1324), son of king Dragutin and Hungarian princess Katarina. He got from Hungarian court Slavonia as inheritable property in 1292 and after Dragutin's death tried to get his lands as well, but king Milutin beat him and imprisoned him. When Milutin died in 1321, freed Vladislav got to rule, with the help of Hungarians and Bosnian ban, lands of his father, and after he was beaten again by supporters of Stefan Dečanski he retreated in Hungary in 1324. Ban Stefan II then started to rule Vladislav's lands in Bosnia (Soli and Usora), and around Srem were long battles between Serbs and Hungarians.

Preceded by:
Stefan Milutin
House of Nemanjić Succeeded by:
Stefan Dečanski

Translated with small changes from small encyclopedia "Sveznanje" published by "Narodno delo", Belgrade, in 1937 which is today in public domain. This article is written from the point of view of that place and time and may not reflect modern opinions or recent discoveries. Please help Wikipedia by bringing it up to date.