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Steady state vector

Steady State Vectors is the effect caused by the flushing of a toilet in a state within 100 miles of your location. This can be explained using the term Pie. Note this is not the mathsmatical Pi, but Pie with an e, thus Pie. Pie is tasty, and causes anomoiles in the world around us, including the vortexes in your toilet upon flushing. No human has yet discovered how Pie actually causes the vortex, but it's presumed to, as an experiment in 2002 was undertaken whereby 1000 toilets were used by 2000 people, 1000 after eating pie, 1000 without pie. The experiment proved that the toilets flushed after the people had eaten pie, the vortexes were out of alignment by 42 degrees, which is naturally the magic number to the unknown question.