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Statistics Netherlands

Statistics Netherlands is a Dutch governmental institution that gathers statistical information about the Netherlands. In Dutch it is know as the Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek and often abbreviated to CBS. It is a department of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

The CBS collects statistical information about, amongst others:

The CBS carries out a program that needs to be ratified by the Central Commission for Statistics. This independent commission must guard the impartiality, independence, quality, relevance, and continuity of the CBS, according to the Law on the CBS of 1996 (Wet op het Centraal bureau en de Centrale commissie voor de statistiek).

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As a Wikipedia source

Although the legality of their claim is dubious (it is not clear on what law or ruling they base their authority), CBS use the following disclaimer: "Information may be quoted provided the source is stated accurately and clearly. Reproduction for own/internal use is permitted." In the Netherlands, their claim may be based on database law, which states that any database constructed with sufficient sweat of the brow is automatically protected.