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Star Maker

Star Maker is a cornerstone science fiction work (1937) by Olaf Stapledon, in which he undertakes an immensely huge task, describing the whole history and path of the cosmos. This work was written by Stapledon, a committed pacifist, just before the world entered World War II. It a great work on metaphysical aspects, on the essence of life itself, of birth, decay and death, grasping in its essence the greatness of the numbers and thus possibilities arising in the cosmos.

It proposes several ideas, interesting in both their science fiction and metaphysical/philosophical aspects. At the strict sci-fi aspect the Dyson sphere, some imaginitive species and war methods. On the philosopical level it proposes the future (or past) formation, decay and finally death of collective minds, in planets, solar systems, galaxies and eventually the cosmos it-self. These minds, formed from individual consious beeings, operate in great time scales in the scale of hundreds or millions of years.

Moreover, it expands the collective mind approach, in order to expand the essence of life itself. It proposes that the early nembula, stars, and the even the initial void, are sentied beeings, although experiencing themselves in enormously large time scales. The death of each one of this life forms (the initial nebula die, as the stars are formed) makes a new life form to emerge.

Notes to editors: the above hypothesis greatly resembles the gaia hypothesis, only that precedes it by several decades. Is this valid? Moreover, does relationship exist among the collective minds described, the Pierre de Chardin work and the Dawkins memes hypothesis exist?