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Speaker of the Riksdag

The Speaker, or Talman, of the Riksdag is the chairman of the national parliament in Sweden. The new Riksdag was created in 1867, when the old Riksdag of the Estates institution was abolished and included two chambers, each with its own speaker. Since the intoduction of parliamentarism in the 1920s the Riksdag has properly functioned as the Parliament of Sweden. In 1970 the institution underwent changes which transformed it into a unicameral legislative with 349 members as a precursor of the new Constitution of Sweden adopted in 1974.

Table of contents
1 Speakers of the Two Chamber Riksdag (1867-1970)
2 Speakers of the Unicameral Riksdag (1971- )
3 See also

Speakers of the Two Chamber Riksdag (1867-1970)

Speakers in the First Chamber

Speakers in the Second Chamber

Speakers of the Unicameral Riksdag (1971- )

See also