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Sorbian language

The Sorbian language is a member of the West Slavic branch of languages. It is also known as Wendish. It is similar to Czech, Polish and Slovak, but still it is a completely different language that has kept some of the elements of the old language of the Slavs. It is spoken in a small area in Germany called Lusatia (Luzica or Lausitz). Therefore the name of its speakers is Luzicki Srbi. There are 2 important dialects which are sometimes described as separate languages, Upper Sorbian and Lower Sorbian language.

Sorbian is also spoken in a small Wendish settlement in Lee County, Texas, and until recently newspapers were published in Wendish there. It has been heavily influenced by surrounding speakers of German and English.

See also:

Sorbs -- Wends -- Slovenian language -- Dual grammatical number -- Czestochowa