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Skoda 75mm Model 15

The Skoda 75mm Model 15 (75mm M.15) was a mountain gun, first used by the Austro-Hungarian Army (1918); and later used by the Bulgarians, Czechss, Germans, Italians, Polish, Romanians, Turks, and Yugos. The gun was manufactured, in Czechoslovakia, by Skoda. The Italians would redesignate these as Obice da 75/13 and the Wehrmacht would redesignate them as 7.5cm GebK 259(i) and 7.5cm GebK 15. For transport, the gun could be dismantled into 6 parts, generally carried in 4 loads. In addition, there was an armoured shield fitted on some (perhaps many) such guns. A revised version of this gun was released as the Skoda 75mm Model 1928.
