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Shore Lark

Shore Lark
Scientific classification
Binomial name
Eremophila alpestris

The Shore Lark (Eremophila alpestris), called the Horned Lark in North America, breeds across much of North America, northernmost Europe and Asia and in the mountains of southeast Europe. It is mainly resident in the south of its range, but northern populations of this passerine bird are migratory, moving further south in winter. Many birds move to the coast in winter.

This is a bird of open ground and mountains above the tree line.

Unlike most other larks, this is distinctive looking species on the ground, mainly brown-grey above and pale below, and a striking black and yellow face pattern. The summer male has black "horns", which give this species its American name. The southern European mountain race Eremophila alpestris penicillata is greyer above, and the yellow of the face pattern is replaced with white.

In most of Europe, this species is most often seen on seashore flats in winter, leading to the European name.

The nest is on the ground, with 2-5 eggs being laid. Food is seeds supplemented with insects in the breeding season.