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Sepia tone

Identical images
Color () Black & White () Sepia ()

Sepia tone is a type of photographic image in which the picture appears in shades of brown as opposed to black-and-white images which appear in grayscale, i.e. shades of gray. The photographs of the author of this article, which appear above, shows the same self-poitrait, taken in color, then using the digital camera's processing features, rendered the same image in both black and white and sepia. It may be noted that flesh tones appear to be closest to real when rendered in sepia tone as opposed to black and white, which may be one of the reasons it tended to be used.

Notice the calendar in the background which is blue in the colour image on the left and the appropriate shade of brown or gray on the right side sepia and center black-and-white images, respectively.

See also: digital photography.