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Secretary to the Treasury

In the United Kingdom, there are two Secretaries to the Treasury, officials officially acting as secretaries to the treasury board. In fact, one of the secretaries, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury, is in fact the Chief Whip in the House of Commons. The other, the Financial Secretary to the Treasury, actually attends to treasury business.

The origins of the office are unclear, although it probably originated during Lord Burghley's tenure as Lord Treasurer in the 16th century. The number of secretaries was expanded to two by 1714 at the latest.

Table of contents
1 Secretaries to the Treasury, 1760-1852
2 Financial Secretaries to the Treasury, 1852-present
3 Parliamentary Secretaries to the Treasury, 1852-present

Secretaries to the Treasury, 1760-1852

Financial Secretaries to the Treasury, 1852-present

Parliamentary Secretaries to the Treasury, 1852-present