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Screaming Lord Sutch

Screaming Lord Sutch, 3rd Earl of Harrow (1940 - 1999) was a British politician, musician and maverick.

David Edward Sutch was born on November 10 1940 . In the 1960s he changed his name by deed poll to Screaming Lord Sutch, 3rd Earl of Harrow, despite the fact that he had no connection with nobility. Despite this it became customary for the UK press and citizens to refer to him as Screaming Lord Sutch, or simply Lord Sutch.

In his career as a politician, that began in 1963, he contended over 40 elections.

He founded the Official Monster Raving Loony Party in 1983 and became the longest serving leader of any political party in the United Kingdom.

Screaming Lord Sutch suffered from manic depression and committed suicide on June 16, 1999.