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Samurang is one of fabrications by Haidong Gumdo, who says it was a name for Goguryeo warriors and the origin of samurai.

According to Haidong Gumdo, a master called Seolbong (Sul Bong; 雪峰) taught Haidong Gumdo in the Changbai Mountains during the Goguryeo Dynasty and the practitioners were called Samurang (士武郞). Some of them moved to Japan and came to be called Samurai.

The word Samurang is, however, never appeared in history books. In addition, the three Chinese characters 士武郞 are pronounced as "shi-bu-rō" in modern Japanese and as "shi-bu-rau" in old Japanese, quite different from samurai. In fact, Haidong Gumdo coined this word so that it sounds similar to samurai in the modern Korean language. Considering the ultimate etymology of samurai, the verb samorafu, the fabrication is obvious to Japanese, but some uninformed Koreans and Westerners are deceived.