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Rural exodus

Rural Exodus is a term used to describe the migratory patterns that normally occur in a region following the mechanisation of agriculture. In such a situation, there tends to be a movement of peoples from rural areass into urban areas. This trend can be particularly disruptive and enfeebling to rural life if the out-migrants tend to be younger adults, which are viewed as if they were an invested resource.

The term rural exodus states is used to refer to those US states which are losing their rural populations in this manner. These states tend to be within the Great Plains and have few scenic amenities, along with harsh summers and severe winters.

Urban Exodus

In recent years "urban exodus" has also been portrayed as a problem with migrants from towns being seen as unwilling to socialise, having unrealistic expectations of local services (eg.medical and transport facilities) and a cause of accelerating property values to the detriment of potential occupiers born in the locality with lower borrowing and spending power.

See also: demographic history of the United States, rural sociology