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Rose-ringed Parakeet

Rose-ringed Parakeet
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Psittaciformes
Genus: Psittacula
Species: krameri
Binomial name
Psittacula krameri

The Rose-ringed Parakeet, Psittacula krameri is a parrot which breeds in north and central Africa, and tropical Asia across to southern China.

It has been introduced elsewhere, and there is an established feral population in southern England. There are also apparently stable populations in the USA in Florida and California. It is a resident species which does not migrate.

It is a bird of woodland and cultivation. It nests in holes in trees, laying 2-6 white eggs.

This is a 40cm long green parrot, of which the long tail accounts for more than half the length. It looks long winged and very slender in flight. The female is all green with a red bill, but the male additionally has a small black bib and a black and pink neck ring.

This is a noisy species with an unmistakable squawking call.