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Rockcliffe Park, Ontario

Rockcliffe Park is the wealthiest neighbourhood in Ottawa, Ontario. Until 2001 it was an independent village, but was amalgamated with the rest of the city that year.

The are is located northeast of downtown, on the southern banks of the Ottawa River. To the south of Rockcliffe is the francophone Vanier area.

Rockcliffe Park is home to many Ottawa notables. Stornoway, the home to the leader of the Official Oppostion is located there. Many ambassadors also live in Rockcliffe. In recent years the neighbourhood has become home to the leaders of Ottawa's high tech industry, including Michael Cowpland, former CEO of Corel, who built a massive gold coloured house in the area.

The area is also home to Ashbury and Elmwood, Ottawa's two most prestigious private schools.

As it was long a separate village not under control of Ottawa's municpal government, Rockcliffe is different from the rest of the city. It has very few sidewalks, but is also quite inaccesible to most vehicles. Much of Rockcliffe is still wooded and there are large distances between many of the houses.