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In The Lord of the Rings, by J. R. R. Tolkien, Frodo Baggins is appointed to be the ringbearer by the Council of Elrond in Rivendell. He was to carry the One Ring from Rivendell to the Crack of Doom in Mordor and destroy it before Sauron's minions, the Ringwraiths could retrieve it for their Dark Lord.

The title is also given to two other hobbits who carried the One Ring. They were Bilbo Baggins, and Frodo's companion Sam Gamgee. Because of their position as Ring Bearers, they were granted the right to travel to the Undying Lands.

In fact, others bore the Ring during its existence, but were not classified as ringbearers. They include:

In a white wedding, a ringbearer is an attendant, often a young boy, who carries the wedding rings for the bridal party.