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Repton is the name of a public school in England.

Repton is also a computer game originally developed by Tim Tyler for the BBC Micro and released by Superior Software in the 1980s. The character Repton is a lizard that crawls around in a maze in the earth in a quest to find all the diamonds, avoiding getting killed by falling Rocks or being trapped. The original Repton also featured monsters that hatch from eggs and safes that are opened when you find the key. The original Repton featured 12 levels and you get passwords to jump to the later levels.

The sequel to the game, Repton 2, was much bigger. It introduced new elements, like skulls that kill you if you walk into them, spirits that fly along walls and into cages, turning them into diamonds, transporters that move Repton to another place in the map, and also a puzzle for which you had to find all the pieces. The entire game was one very large level, without passwords so you have to complete the game in one go. This sets Repton 2 apart from all the other Repton games.

Repton 3 was no longer developed by Tim Tyler, and was closer to Repton 1 than Repton 2. Again, some new elements were introduced, including fungus, a substance that spreads wherever it finds space and kills Repton if it spreads over him. Repton 3 included a map editor along with the game and was more flexible in that it allowed the loading of data files that you can create yourself, along with different graphics for the levels. Several expansions were made to Repton 3, including Repton Around the World, Repton Thru Time and the Life of Repton.

The Scott Joplin piano rag "The Chrysanthemum" was used as the music for Repton 2.

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