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René Bazin

René Bazin (December 26, 1853 - July 20, 1932) was a French novelist.

Born at Angers, he studied law in Paris, and on his return to Angers became professor of law in the Catholic university there. He contributed to Parisian journals a series of sketches of provincial life and descriptions of travel, but he made his reputation with Une tache d'encre (A spot of ink) (1888), which received a prize from the Academy.

Other novels of great charm and delicacy followed:

La Terre qui meurt, a picture of the decay of peasant farming and a story of La Vendée, was an indirect plea for the development of provincial France. A volume of Questions littéraires et sociales appeared in 1906. René Bazin was admitted to the Académie française on April 28, 1904.
