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Radburn, New Jersey

Radburn, New Jersey is a new town in Fair Lawn, New Jersey, which was founded in 1929 as "A town for the motor age". Its planners Clarence Stein and Henry Wright aimed to incorporate modern planning principles then being introduced into places such as England's Garden Cities following the ideals of Ebenezer Howard and Patrick Geddes. One of the key design elements is the separation of traffic by mode, so that the path system doesn't cross any major roads at grade. This creates "superblocks", which are largely residential. The hope of this design is that the neighborhoods that are created allow children to walk to school without fear of being hit by cars.

The community has about 3100 people, living in 469 houses, 48 townhouses, 30 duplexes, and one 93 unit apartment complex.

Figure: Map of Radburn New Jersey

See also