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PoserPros is a free membership gathering of artists who take development for Curious Labs' Poser seriously. We are based on an "Open Workshop/Roundtable" model, where known experts in Poser and other 3d applications teach and answer questions in collaboration with our members.

Members of our open International community come from many different backgrounds, and are linked by our desire to take Poser development to a higher level. Our small but growing community is founded around a belief that open communications, and a relaxed and friendly atmosphere fosters the most creativity and will allow the artists in our community to reach their fullest potential

PoserPros derives its name from the Poser software package from Curious Labs. PoserPros was initially founded to aid professional developers of Poser content by giving them a place to discuss development strategies and to learn from each other.

PoserPros was founded in March of 2001, and is owned and operated by Mehndi Studios.

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