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Pickering nuclear power plant

The Pickering Nuclear Power Plant, located in Pickering, Ontario on the northern shore of Lake Ontario, is run on a CANDU nuclear reactor. It is the worlds largest CANDU reactor.

Opened in 1972, the plant ran until December 2002, when it was shut down for maintenance. CANDU reactors do not require much major maintenance, and minor maintenance can be done while the plant is operating.

The plant is scheduled to started back up briefly in September 2003, due to the shortage of power and the widespread power blackout that occured on August 14, 2003.

The plant also has a very large wind turbine to the west of it, however, the wind generator provides a fraction of the power of the Nuclear reactor, which when operational can produce upwards of 5000 Megawatts

A few kilometres east of the Pickering plant is the Darlington Nuclear Power Plant, in Clarington

Address: 1 Montgomery Park Road