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Pete Wendling

Pete Wendling (June 6, 1888 - April 1974), was a American composer and pianist, was born in New York City.

He started his working life as a carpenter, but gained fame during the mid 1910s as a popular music composer - producing such hits as Yaka Hula, Hickey Doola, Take Me To The Land Of Jazz, Take Your Girlie To The Movies, Felix The Cat, and Oh What A Pal Is Mary.

However, Wendling was also one of the top pianists of his era, and set a long-standing record when he appeared at the London Hippodrome for 8 consecutive weeks. He joined the Rhythmodik Music Roll Company in 1914, and started to record his performances on paper rolls for player pianos. In 1918, he joined the largest piano roll company, QRS, and rapidly became one of their most popular artists - his distinctive yet always fresh performances constantly topping their best-selling lists and are still in production as of 2003 - over 80 years since they were produced.

In 1925 QRS, who were tightening their belt due to declining sales, released Wendling, and he concentrated on his composing career until his retirement in the 1950s.

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