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Peace process

The peace process describes efforts by interested parties to effect a lasting solution to long-running conflicts, such as in Northern Ireland (see Belfast Agreement) or the Arab-Israeli conflict.

In the Middle East, various solutions have been offered, and some tried. Jimmy Carter, Menchem Begin and Anwar Sadat worked together to create an official peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, which ended the formal state of war between the two nations.

The Oslo accords was a later framework between the Palestinian Authority and the State of Israel.

Many groups and individuals have created projects working for peace among Israelis and Arabs, most of which have as one of their goals overcoming religious prejudice.

The term "peace process" as it is generally used, (referring to Middle East conflicts), the neutrality of parties who may use the term is often suspect. In 2000, when American, Palestinian and Israeli leaders met at Camp David to attempt to "bring peace" to the current (then current, and now continuing) hostilities, the social critic Noam Chomsky recalled the history of American escalation of hostilities in region: The "no negotiations" policy of Kissinger towards Sadat's Egypt in favor of violence over peace. (See [1]). He remarked:

"Any discussion of what is called a "peace process" - whether the one underway at Camp David or any other - should keep in mind the operative meaning of the phrase: by definition, the "peace process" is whatever the US government happens to be pursuing." - 1