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Pan-African colors

According to the UNIA, the panafrican colors are red, black, and green, "red representing the noble blood that unites all people of African ancestry, the color black for black people whose dignity is upheld by the existence of the flag, green for the abundant natural wealth of the Motherland, Africa". Designated the official colors of the African Race by the UNIA at its convention in Madison Square Garden on August 13, 1920 in New York City.

Other sources describe red, gold, and green as being the three panafrican colors. These colors are found on the flags of many African nations, and originate in Ethiopia. Except for a brief period of occupation by Italy under the Fascists, Ethiopia remained outside European control during the colonial era, and was therefore admired by many newly-independent African states. The adoption of the Ethiopian national colors was a consequence of this.

See also: Pan-Slavic colors, Pan-American colors

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