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Operation Nachshon

The objective of Operation Nachshon (or Nahshon), an Israeli military operation in the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, was to open up the Jerusalem road that had been besieged by the Arabs. It was named after the Biblical figure Nachshon Ben Aminadav who was the first to jump into the Red Sea when the Israelis left Egypt. The operation was commanded by Shimon Avidan. It was the first major Haganah operation and the first step of Plan Dalet whos aim was to secure the area allotted to the Jews by the 1947 UN Partition Plan.

Operation Nachshon began on April 6, 1948 and lasted until April 12 after the road had been cleared.

Table of contents
1 Brigades participating in Operation Nachshon
2 See also
3 External Links & References

Brigades participating in Operation Nachshon

See also

External Links & References