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Open standard

Open standards are publicly available specifications for enhancing compatibility between various hardware and software components. Open standards allow anybody with the technical know-how and the necessary equipment to implement solutions which work together with those of other vendors.

Table of contents
1 Examples of open standards
3 External links

Examples of open standards


Software: In 2002 and 2003 there was some controversy about using Reasonable And Non-Discriminatory (RAND) licensing for the use of patented technology in web standards. Bruce Perens and others have argued that the use of patents restricts who can implement a standard to those able or willing to pay for the use of the patented technology. The requirement to pay some small amount per user, is often an insurmountable problem for free software or open source implementations which can be redistributed by anyone. Royalty free (RF) licensing is preferred by Open Source adepts. The GNU GPL license includes a section that enjoins any one who distributes a program released under the GPL from enforcing patents on subsequent users of the software or derivative works.


External links