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Obfuscated Perl contest

The Obfuscated Perl contest is a competition for programmers of Perl which has been held annually since 1996.

Entrants to the competition aim to write "devious, inhuman, disgusting, amusing, amazing, and bizarre Perl code" [1]*.

The competition is divided into four categories and each entrant is allowed to submit twice to each category. The categories include;

The entries are judged on aesthetics, output and incomprehensibility. One entrant per year will gain the Best of Show award.

Entrants are advised to try and demonstrate a range of Perl knowledge, whilst being humorous, surprising and deceitful. Code which purposefully crashes the judges' machines is not recommended.

See also

*You may need to subscribe to the Perl Journal to be able to view this link, which is the source of the quote given.