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The NSPCC , correctly known as the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children is the UK's leading charity specialising in child protection and the prevention of cruelty to children. It has been active since 1884.

It has been offered royal patronage but has always declined in order to keep its identity clearly separate from the similarly named RSPCA ( Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals).

The NSPCC's administrative headquarters are in Shoreditch, London (Weston House, 42 Curtain Road, London EC2A 3NH).

The NSPCC employs 1,800 people

In 2002/2003 it had an income of £100.3 million and expenditure of £90.6 million.

Table of contents
1 Activities
2 Values
3 External Link



The NSPCC's core values are based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

They are:

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External Link