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Norm Abram

Norm Abram (born 1950) is an American master carpenter known from the PBS television programs "This Old House" and "The New Yankee Workshop".

Norm was born in Rhode Island and raised in Massachusetts. He learned construction from his carpenter father during high school and college vacations. Norm studied mechanical engineering and business administration at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He founded a general constracting firm called Integrated Structures Inc. in 1976, which he operated until 1989.

Norm appears on "This Old House", a popular television program about renovating and improving old houses hosted by Bob Vila (and later Steve Thomas), since it first aired in 1979. He created a spinoff of "This Old House" in 1988 called "The New Yankee Workshop". Norm has published eight books about carpentry: "Ask Norm", "The New Yankee Workshop", "Classics From The New Yankee Workshop", "Mostly Shaker From The New Yankee Workshop", "Outdoor Projects From The New Yankee Workshop", "Norm Abram's New House", "Measure Twice, Cut Once", and "The New Yankee Workshop Kids’ Stuff". As of 2003, both television programs are still on the air.

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