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No Dice

No Dice is a power pop album by Badfinger, released on November 9, 1970 (see 1970 in music). Their second album, No Dice significantly expanded Badfinger's popularity, especially abroad.

No Dice peaked at #28 on Billboard's Pop Albums chart (North America). The single "No Matter What" peaked at #8 on the Pop Singles chart.

Track listing

  1. I Can't Take It (Ham) - 2:54
  2. I Don't Mind (Evans/Molland) - 3:13
  3. Love Me Do (Molland) - 2:57
  4. Midnight Caller (Ham) - 2:48
  5. No Matter What (Ham) - 2:59
  6. Without You (Evans/Ham) - 4:42
  7. Blodwyn (Ham) - 3:24
  8. Better Days (Evans/Molland) - 3:59
  9. It Had to Be (Gibbins) - 2:27
  10. Watford John (Evans/Gibbins/Ham/Molland) - 3:21
  11. Believe Me (Evans) - 2:58
  12. We're for the Dark (Ham) - 3:51
