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Nimbus program

The Nimbus satellites were second-generation meteorological research and development (R&D) spacecraft designed to serve as stablized, Earth-oriented platforms for the testing of advanced systems to sense and collect atmospheric science data. Seven Nimbus spacecraft have been launched into near-polar, Sun-synchronous orbits beginning with Nimbus 1 on August 28, 1964. On board the Nimbus satellites are various instrumentation for imaging, sounding, and other studies in different spectral regions.

Operation History of the Nimbus Satellites

Satellite Launch Date Decay Date
Nimbus 1 August 28 1964 May 16 1974
Nimbus 2 May 15 1966 January 17 1969
Nimbus 3 April 14 1969 January 22 1972
Nimbus 4 April 8 1970 November 30 1980
Nimbus 5 December 11 1972
Nimbus 6 June 12 1975
Nimbus 7 October 24 1978

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