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New Democrat Coalition

The New Democrat Coalition, currently chaired by Representatives Jim Davis (FL), Ron Kind (WI), and Adam Smith (WA), is a group of 74 centrist, pro-growth members of the House of Representatives who are working to find mainstream, bipartisan solutions to our nation's problems.

Founded in 1997 by Representatives Cal Dooley (CA), Jim Moran (VA) and Tim Roemer (IN), the New Democrat Coalition has quickly grown. Since its creation, two-thirds of Democrats elected to the House have joined the NDC, making it the largest and one of the most influential caucuses in the House. The NDC has worked to craft and pass pivotal legislation, including Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) for the People's Republic of China, digital signatures, education reform, and H-1B visa reform and continues to work on critical matters such as privacy, broadband, expanding e-learning opportunities and making government more accessible and efficient through the use of technology. New Democrats have frequently provided the key swing votes needed to pass critical legislation and have always played a vital role in driving moderate bipartisan legislation.
