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Neighborhood of Make-Believe

The Neighborhood of Make-Believe was the fictional kingdom inhabited by the puppet characters on the television program Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. The show's puppeteer was Fred Rogers himself, who played Mr. Rogers.

The adventures of the citizens of the Neighborhood of Make-Believe would appear in a short segment once in the middle every episode of Mr. Rogers. Mr. Rogers deliberately made clear the distinction between the "real world" and the Neighborhood of Make-Believe by transitioning into and out of the Neighborhood segment via an electric trolley, and by discussing what had happened with his audience after each segment had ended. The same storyline would continue for a week or more, though Rogers would always be sure to recap the plot for children.

The Neighborhood of Make-Believe was ruled by King Friday XIII and his wife Queen Sara. Other pupper characters included:

The Neighborhood also featured many "human" characters including:

The world of the Neighborhood of Make-Believe also featured several other "regions". Along with King Friday's realm, there were also bordering territories, including the city of Westwood run by Mayor Maggie and assistant , Neighbor Aber, and the city of Southwood. Characters also frequently interacted with the inhabitants of the Planet Purple, where everything was purple and exactly the same.