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National Radio Astronomy Observatory

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) is an institution set up by the United States government for the purpose of radio astronomy. NRAO designs, builds, and operates its own high-power radio telescopes for use by scientists around the world.


Charlottesville, Virginia

Located on the University of Virginia campus.

Green Bank, West Virginia

NRAO is the constructor/owner of the worlds largest fully mobile radio telescope, the GBT, which resides in Green Bank, West Virginia. Green Bank is also the home of NRAO's prinicipal observatory as it is the center of a United States national radio quiet zone, which NRAO is also responsible for maintaining.

Socorro, New Mexico

Home of the Very Large Array (VLA), and base of the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA). VLBA telescopes are located throughout the world.

Tucson, Arizona

Offices are located on the University of Arizona campus. Formerly operated the 12 meter telescope on Kitt Peak. That telescope has been shut down and funding rerouted to the Atacoma Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) instead.

Santiago, Chile

Home of ALMA.

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