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Mystery Island

Mystery Island is a novel by French science fiction writer Jules Verne describing the adventures of marooned Americans on an uncharted island in the South Pacific. The story is set in the American Civil War, during the siege of Richmond, Virginia, the capital of the Confederate States fo America. As famine and death ravage the city, four men decide to escape from the city in a rather unusual way - on a balloon.

After flying in stormy weather for several days, the group crash-lands on a cliff-like volcanic island, which they decide to name Lincoln Island, in honor of President Abraham Lincoln. With the help of the brilliant Mr. Smith, the four are able to sustain themselves on the island, producing anything from wheat and fire to nitroglycerine and ships.

Throughout their stay on the island, the group has to overcome pirates, bad weather, and eventually adopts and domesticates a gorilla, Mr. Jupe. The novel is further spiced up by reappearances of Ireton, from Verne's "Captain Grant's Children," and Captain Nemo and the Nautilus, from "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea."

Mystery Island is an island in the Neopets computer game. It is a tropical island hundreds of miles away from other land. There are lots of points of interest, such as the cooking pot, Tombola (who gives out free items), and even a tour guide.

Neopets: Mystery Island